Here is the perl source!
require "";
print &PrintHeader;
print '<HTML>
<HEAD><TITLE>Your Browser WILL Crash</title></head>
if (($select % 2) ==0)
{print 'COLS="*,*" border=1 bordercolor=red>';}
else {print 'ROWS="*,*" border=1 bordercolor=blue>';}
print "<FRAME SRC=\"crash.cgi?select=$sel\" scrolling=no>\n";
print "<FRAME SRC=\"crash.cgi?select=$sel\" scrolling=no>\n";
<P>This page demonstrates the new frame "capabilities" in Navigator 3.0.
<A HREF="/comprod/mirror/client_download.html">Download Netscape
Navigator 3.0 now</A>!</P>
Enough code-looking you code-monkey! Why don't you go back to the crash page and check it out?